Treatment for Sleep Apnea & Snoring in Birmingham and Canton, MI.
About Sleep Apnea & Snoring
Sleep apnea, a prevalent sleep disorder, affects approximately 22 million Americans. This condition arises when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep due to an obstruction in their airway, causing the tissues in their throat to collapse and resulting in loud snoring. While snoring can be benign, it may also signal the presence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
The importance of getting a good night’s sleep
During sleep apnea, interruptions can occur 5 to 30 times or even more per hour throughout the night. Because these interruptions are brief, they are often forgotten. As a result, achieving a deep and restful sleep, essential for feeling rejuvenated and prepared for the next day, becomes unlikely. Night after night, sleep apnea places a strain on both the body and the mind.
Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. It also helps regulate the hormones that control hunger (ghrelin) and fullness (leptin). When you don’t get enough sleep, this delicate balance is disrupted. It leads to increased levels of ghrelin, making you feel hungrier, and decreased levels of leptin, reducing your sense of fullness. Additionally, insufficient sleep can elevate blood sugar levels and increase the risk of developing diabetes. Furthermore, sleep is essential for maintaining a strong immune system. Prioritizing quality sleep is vital for overall well-being.
Sleep apnea symptoms and associated health risks
Sleep apnea may be the culprit if you’re experiencing any health issues, potentially leading to more severe complications. Dr. Abbey Sayed specializes in this condition and can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its causes, symptoms, and associated health risks. Additionally, he can assist you with finding a skilled sleep specialist who can diagnose your sleep disorder and offer effective treatment options to restore your energy level.
The Impact of Snoring & Sleep Apnea
Snoring can affect relationships.
While some individuals may not consider snoring a significant issue and may not feel inclined to undergo a sleep study for a potential sleep disorder, their sleeping partner may have a different perspective. The disruptive breathing patterns that occur during sleep can keep their significant other awake throughout the night, making them the first to notice sleep apnea symptoms. Sleep apnea often presents as sudden gasps for air during sleep, frequently startling the partner. These frequent awakenings can strain the relationship due to the lack of sleep.
Lack of quality sleep can lead to exhaustion, irritability, and resentment. These factors can challenge the relationships, causing couples to sleep in separate rooms. Addressing sleep apnea through diagnosis and treatment can help alleviate tension between you and your sleep partner.
The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Are you experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea or snoring?
Sleep apnea can disrupt your life and cause significant inconvenience. The most prevalent type is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which occurs when the airway becomes blocked, leading to interrupted or stopped breathing. OSA is often accompanied by loud snoring, though this symptom is frequently overlooked as normal. Acknowledging the potential health risks and carefully considering other factors and effects, can help determine whether
you or your sleep partner are experiencing OSA.
Factors commonly associated with sleep apnea or snoring.
A patient’s risk of developing sleep apnea depends on several factors. Older individuals are more susceptible, and males have a two to three times higher likelihood than do females.
Additional risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea include:
- Obesity
- A large neck circumference
- A large tongue
- Alcohol use
- Smoking tobacco
- Prescription medications
- Nasal congestion
The potential consequences of untreated sleep apnea and snoring are significant.
A significant association exists between sleep apnea and various ailments, including heart problems, diabetes, and dementia.
Sleep apnea is a medical condition that leads to excessive fatigue and a significant drain of energy throughout the day. It is a critical condition that, if left untreated or misdiagnosed, can pose a life-threatening risk. Approximately 80% of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) cases go undiagnosed, potentially leading to further health complications.
Untreated sleep apnea and snoring have been linked to severe health consequences, including:.
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Sleep Deprivation
- Stroke
- Type 2 diabetes
- Depression
- Liver problems
- Erectile dysfunction
- Motor vehicle accidents
Find the relief you have been seeking.
At Pristine Periodontics & Implants, our treatments are effective and comfortable. Snoring and sudden gasps will no longer disturb you and your sleep partner at night. After visiting our offices in Birmingham and Canton, Michigan, you’ll quickly restore the quality sleep you’ve longed for.
Don’t let sleep apnea deprive you of your well-being and quality of life. Contact us at Pristine Periodontics & Implants today, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more rejuvenating sleep. Click here to schedule an appointment, or call us directly at (248) 901-0000.
We look forward to providing you with the comfort and relief you deserve!