Professional Cleaning
Keeping the pockets clean is the goal of periodontal treatment. Brushing, flossing and generally practicing good oral hygiene at home is important. But even the most meticulous homecare routine can’t replace the need for a professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar (plaque that hardens on the tooth and can only be removed professionally) above and below the gumline. Have your teeth professionally cleaned every three months to make sure that, if a flare-up occurs, it’s noticed early and can be treated as non-invasively as possible.
Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and root planing are deep cleaning we perform under local anesthetic. We scrape away plaque and tartar below the gum line (scaling) and smooth rough spots on the root surfaces (planing). Smoother surfaces discourage the buildup of tartar and toxins and offer a clean surface which helps your gums to reattach to the teeth.
Sometimes, we prescribe oral or topical antibiotics in addition to treat acute persistent infection. Topical antibiotics include antibiotic rinses or gels inserted into pockets after deep cleaning.